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    World Medical Association

    Добро пожаловать на сайт Ассоциации врачей Узбекистана
      Medical Association of Uzbekistan – experience and perspectives

    Medical Association of Uzbekistan was the first not state noncommercial medical organization (NGO) created in Republic Uzbekistan in 1992. At the organization of Association were initiators: Khudaybergenov A.M., Kosimov E.J., Asadov D.A., Rizaev M.N., Irgashev S.B., Mustafaev H.M., Sidikov Z.U., Junusov M.M., Akbarov A.A., Vajnshtejn V.S., Nurullaev L.D., Usmonhuzhaev A.H..

    Association has registered by the Ministry of Justice of Republic Uzbekistan on November, 11th, 1999. Mission of Association is - Assistance to development of medical practice and a science for preservation and strengthening of health of citizens of Republic Uzbekistan.

    According to the Charter of Association its primary goals are:
    - Participation in reforming system of public health services of Republic Uzbekistan;
    - Medical, economic and a legal aid to members of Association;
    - Support to a private practice and private medical institutions in medicine;
    - Participation in development of uniform standards of the control and quality in public health services;
    - Support of doctors of veterans and use of their experience;
    - Improvement of the international cooperation, holding conferences, seminars and symposiums.

    The association has 14 regional branches in which have been registered by members of 20 thousand doctors, and also the publication - the Bulletin of Medical Association of Uzbekistan which 4 times a year are regular is printed already more than 10 years. In magazine are printed clauses devoted to management, economy, to the rights, the marketing, new methods of diagnostics and treatment, the information on seminars, conferences and to a private sector in public health services. The general circulation of magazine makes more than 5 thousand which extends in all medical institutions in Republics Uzbekistan.

    President of Medical Association of Uzbekistan is the doctor of medical sciences, Professor Abdulla Khudaybergenov, and its assistants Academician Tulkin Iskandarov and the candidate of medical sciences Zafar Sidikov, executive director of Association Zakhid Abdurakhimov.

    The Medical Association of Uzbekistan since 1997 is a member of the European Forum Medical Association and takes part in them (Copenhagen, the Vein, Berlin, Warsaw, Oslo, Lisbon and Israeli).

    For the last Medical Association of Uzbekistan took part in several grants and in 2008 has finished the grant of the World Bank on "Monitoring of rendering of medical aid in jails". The basic purpose put carrying out of monitoring in jails on protection and maintenance of the rights of prisoners in granting medical aid. Informing of the public on a condition and problems of service of public health services in jails will allow making active actions various NGOs, initiative groups and funds on improvement of health of prisoners. In turn improvement of preventive and medical work in prisons will allow to lower disease, physical inability, and also death rate among prisoners which will allow joining more quickly in a civil life after clearing from jails. Speaking about results, we would like to emphasize, that reform of sphere of public health services spent by Uzbekistan, is carried out everywhere, including in corresponding services of establishments of execution of punishments.

    The measures directed on strengthening of health of citizens being prisons carrying out of preventive and explanatory work among condemned concerning a healthy way of life developing of activity of the medical personnel, increase of their knowledge in sphere of maintenance and protection of the rights of prisoners, will allow to reduce burden which lays down on system of public health services of the country as a whole and to keep the most valuable in the person is its health.

    The Medical Association of Uzbekistan being the representative of a civil society does not remain indifferent to problems of health of the nation so systematically and consistently carries out the activity on improving of public health of a society and citizens of Republic Uzbekistan and also protects interests of medical workers and their associations.

    President of Medical Association of Uzbekistan,
    Professor Abdulla Khudaybergenov
    .: Добавил: Project Manager  .: Дата: 24 апреля 2008  .: Уже просмотрели: 9282 чел.     |   | Печатать
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